Being a pet parent you might have come across a situation where your cat takes or trying to take food that are made for you dog. Some of you may think it as a normal phenomena , while others might have a question: can cats eat dog food? In this article we will try give you an comprehensive answer regarding your concern. This will help you to understand when to worry and when not to worry if you see that your beloved feline friend is eating dog food. So let’s dive deep into the matter.
Understanding the Dietary Needs
Cats are basically carnivores, meaning that their digestive system is well tolerated to meat-based diet. Their body need nutrients found from animal products .Like:
Taurine: An essential amino acid for cats, taurine is necessary for heart health, vision, and overall well-being. According to studies, they can not endogenously produce taurine in ample amount like dogs. So it must be supplied from exogenous source as in from diet.
Vitamin A: Dogs can have beta carotene from plant and convert it to vitamin A. Cat’s physiology doesn’t allow them to do the same. This is why their source of this vitamin is from animal tissues in preformed vitamin-A form.
Arachidonic Acid: This is an essential fatty acid which is needed for healthy skin, a shiny coat, and proper immune function. Cats can only get it in adequate amount from animal fats.
Protein: Cat’s metabolic system is designed to use protein as their primary energy source. So they require high amount of proteins on daily basis to fulfill their energy requirement. As we know animal is the best source of high protein, they need animal based diet for their regular energy needs.
Dog food, on the other hand, is formulated for omnivores. While it contains nutrients suitable for dogs, it lacks the critical components necessary to meet a cat’s dietary needs. Feeding your cute tine feline friend dog food on a regular basis can lead to nutritional deficiencies and health problems over time. So, can cats eat dog food as a substitute? Absolutely not.
Key Differences Between Cat Food and Dog Food
It’s important to recognize that cat food and dog food are not interchangeable. Here are some of the primary differences:
Protein Content: Cat food reasonably contains a higher protein portion than dog food to fulfill their dietary requirements.
Taurine Levels: Taurine is compulsorily added to cat food but is not a must component in dog food.
Caloric Density: Cat food is more calorie dense to accommodate their smaller stomachs and higher energy needs.
Texture and Flavor: Cats are very picky eaters and prefer specific textures and flavors, which needs to be keep in consideration while formulating their food.
Water Content: Cats are easily dehydrated, so it is better for them to have wet food. But your furry friend mostly prefer dry diet. This is another reason why your furry friend and feline friend should have their own separate meal.
Why do cats eat dog food?
They eat dog food completely out of curiosity. They have only 470 test buds while their counter part(dogs) have nearly 1700 taste buds. So, there is no factor that they find it more tasty. You might have noticed that generally their food are more flavorful as compared to dog’s because you feline friend has a very limited taste bud to sense the taste of food.
Can cats eat dog food occasionally?
There is nothing wrong in eating or feeding occasionally. I doesn’t have have any adverse effect on your feline friend’s health .Problem will arise while you will make it it’s primary meal. So always have a sharp eye on your beloved pet and look for below side effects:
Nutritional Deficiencies:
A long term feeding of dog food can result in deficiencies in-
- Taurine :
- Retinal Degeneration(blindness)
- Heart Failure
- Immune Deficiency
- vitamin A :
- Poor skin and coat condition
- Growth retardation in kittens
- Poor vision specially at night
- Arachidonic acid :
- Abnormal hepatic or renal function
- Possibility of increased skin tissues
- Other minor nutrient’s deficiency can also cause such problems.
Weight Loss or Poor Coat Quality:
A lack of protein and essential fatty acids can lead to weight loss, dull fur, and skin problems.
Digestive Upset:
They may experience vomiting or diarrhea if they eat a food that isn’t suited to their digestive system.
What to Do if Your Cat Eats Dog Food
If notice your cat eating dog food, don’t get panicked look for any adverse sign like vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy. Seek professional care if things get out of control. Moreover, try to make you feline friend avoid such type of food naturally. For this you can follow some tips:
- Separate Feeding Areas: Place your dog’s food bowl in a location that is out of your cat’s reach.
- Scheduled Feeding Times: Feed your pets at the same time but in separate rooms to avoid food sharing.
- Secure Storage: Keep dog food in sealed containers to prevent your cat from accessing it.
Why Proper Nutrition is needed
You need to ensure proper and balanced diet specific to your cat’s need to ensure a disease free health. Always opt for high quality commercial diet which are packed with all the essential nutrients required for a healthy state of your pet. Moreover, high quality foods are standardized by organizations like Association of feed control officials (AAFCO).Look for their logo on the packaging while buying commercial pet food.
If you are concerned about packaged cat food and wish to formulate food on your own , It is recommended to consult a nearby veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist for a tailored meal plan that suites their dietary need. It is highly advised to avoid dog food as a primary alternative of their food, as they lack balanced nutrition for them.
Signs Your Cat Might Be Malnourished
You should not concerned about the fact that Can cats eat dog food? Rather ensuring proper nutrition is much more important. For this, at first you should have sound knowledge over malnutrition so that you can identify it. Some common signs of malnutrition are given below:
Weight Loss: You may notice significant decline in weight over a short period of time.
Poor Coat Quality: Malnutrition can be expressed in the form of dry dry brittle or excessive shedding of fur.
Lethargy: You might have noticed that your feline friend is not active and energetic in recent time. This is an important indicator of inadequate diet.
Frequent Illnesses: Malnourishment generally weakens immune system so your pet for an obvious reason would fall ill in a short interval of time.
If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your veterinarian to address the issue promptly. Don’t forget enabling dog food as primary meal can be the prime cause.
Alternatives to Dog Food
If you have scarcity of formulated cat food , try to make some recipes on your own rather than offering dog food. You can essentially give alternatives. Like :
Cooked Meat: Cooked chicken, turkey or fish can be given without any kind of seasoning.
Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein. So you can give egg as a protein component.
Plain Rice or Pasta: You can add these item with previous ones to satisfy the hunger of you pet temporarily.
Keep it in mind this items can not be permanent meal. They are for special situation and for short term needs .Commercial feed formulations are necessary to ensure proper nutrition.
So to wrap it up , can cats eat dog food? the answer is- Yes, it is not a matter of concern as long as it is a regular phenomena and it doesn’t substitute their primary food. But it is advisable keep them away and consult with your vet if any situation arises.